VBA/Excel/Access/Word/Language Basics/Comparison Operators

Материал из VB Эксперт
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Comparison operators in VBA

   <source lang="vb">

Operator Function = Tests for equality <> Tests for inequality < Less than > Greater than <= Less than or equal to >= Greater than or equal to


If/Then/Else with Comparison operators

   <source lang="vb">

Sub NumberGuess()

   Dim userGuess As Integer
   Dim answer As Integer
   answer = Rnd * 10
   userGuess = 12
   If (userGuess > answer) Then
       MsgBox ("Too high!")
       MsgBox ("The answer is " & answer)
   End If
   If (userGuess < answer) Then
       MsgBox ("Too low!")
       MsgBox ("The answer is " & answer)
   End If
   If (userGuess = answer) Then MsgBox ("You got it!")

End Sub


<> operator

   <source lang="vb">

Sub AskForPassword2()

      Dim pWord As String
      pWord = ""
      Do While pWord <> "PASS"
          pWord = InputBox("What is the Report password?")
          If pWord = "" Then Exit Do
      If pWord <> "" Then
          MsgBox "You entered correct password."
  End If

End Sub


Select Case with Comparison operators

   <source lang="vb">

Public Function AssignGrade(studentScore As Single) As String

   Select Case studentScore
       Case 90 To 100
           AssignGrade = "A"
       Case Is >= 80
           AssignGrade = "B"
       Case 70 To 80
           AssignGrade = "C"
       Case Is >= 60
           AssignGrade = "D"
       Case Else
           AssignGrade = "F"
   End Select

End Function Sub test()

  MsgBox AssignGrade(99)

End Sub
