VB.Net Tutorial/Development/Try Catch

Материал из VB Эксперт
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Catch custom exception

<source lang="vbnet">Public Class MyException

   Inherits System.Exception
   Sub New(ByVal Message As String)
   End Sub

End Class

Public Class Tester

   Public Shared Sub Main
           Console.WriteLine("About to generate custom exception")
           Throw (New MyException("** Custom Message **"))
       Catch Ex As MyException
           Console.WriteLine("Custom Exception thrown " & Ex.Message)
       End Try
   End Sub

End Class</source>

About to generate custom exception
Custom Exception thrown ** Custom Message **

Catch different Exception with multiple catch statements

<source lang="vbnet">Imports System.IO public class Tester

  public Shared Sub Main
       Dim y As Integer
       Dim x As Integer
       Dim z As Integer
           x = 1
           y = 0
           z = x / y
       Catch e As DivideByZeroException
           Console.WriteLine("You have attempted to divide by zero!")
           y = 2
           z = x / y
       Catch e As OverflowException
           Console.WriteLine("You have encountered an overflow exception. ")
           y = 2
           z = x / y
       Catch e As System.Data.ConstraintException
           Console.WriteLine("You have encountered a constraint exception. ")
           y = 2
           z = x / y
           Console.WriteLine(x & "/" & y & " = " & z)
       End Try
  End Sub

End class</source>

You have encountered an overflow exception.
1/2 = 0

Catch Exception throwed from a Method

<source lang="vbnet">Option Strict On

Imports System
Class Tester
    Shared Sub Main( )
        Console.WriteLine("Enter func1...")
            Console.WriteLine("Entering Try block...")
            Func1( )
            Console.WriteLine("Exiting Try block...")
            Console.WriteLine("Exception caught and handled")
        End Try
        Console.WriteLine("Exit func1...")
    End Sub
    Public Shared Sub Func1( )
        Console.WriteLine("Enter Func2...")
        Throw New System.Exception( )
        Console.WriteLine("Exit Func2...")
    End Sub
End Class</source>
Enter func1...
Entering Try block...
Enter Func2...
Exception caught and handled
Exit func1...

Catch specific Exception from a Method

<source lang="vbnet">Imports System

Class Tester
    Public Shared Function DoDivide(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double) As Double
        If b = 0 Then
            Throw New System.DivideByZeroException( )
        End If
        If a = 0 Then
            Throw New System.ArithmeticException( )
        End If
        Return a / b
    End Function
    Public Shared Sub Main( )
            Dim a As Double = 5
            Dim b As Double = 0
            Console.WriteLine("Dividing {0} by {1}...", a, b)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1} = {2}",a, b, DoDivide(a, b))
        Catch e As System.DivideByZeroException
            Console.WriteLine("DivideByZeroException caught!")
        Catch e As System.ArithmeticException
            Console.WriteLine("ArithmeticException caught!")
            Console.WriteLine("Unknown exception caught")
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class</source>
Dividing 5 by 0...
DivideByZeroException caught!

Catch without Exception type

<source lang="vbnet">public class Test

  public Shared Sub Main
       Dim strCaption As String
       strCaption = "Answer"
           Console.WriteLine(strCaption.Substring(10, 1))
           Console.WriteLine("An error has occurred.")
       End Try
  End Sub

End class</source>

An error has occurred.

Filtered Exception

<source lang="vbnet">Option Strict Off Public Module Tester

  Public Sub Main
     Dim a, b As Integer
        a = 0
        b = 0
        a = a/b
     Catch e As DivideByZeroException When a = 0
        Console.WriteLine("Division by zero error: " & _
                         "the first divisor must not be zero.")
     Catch e As DivideByZeroException When b = 0
        Console.WriteLine("Division by zero error: " & _
                          "the second divisor must not be zero.")
     Catch e As Exception
        Console.WriteLine("Error: " & e.Message)
     End Try
  End Sub

End Module</source>

Error: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.

Try Catch Exception

<source lang="vbnet">Option Strict On

Imports System
Class Tester
    Shared Sub Main( )
        Console.WriteLine("Enter Func2...")
            Console.WriteLine("Entering Try block...")
            Throw New System.Exception( )
            Console.WriteLine("Exitintg Try block...")
            Console.WriteLine("Exception caught and handled")
        End Try
       Console.WriteLine("Exit func2...")
    End Sub "Main
End Class "Tester</source>
Enter Func2...
Entering Try block...
Exception caught and handled
Exit func2...