VB.Net Tutorial/Development/Command Line

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Determine whether command line arguments are present

<source lang="vbnet">Option Strict On Public Module CommandTest

  Public Sub Main()
     Dim arguments As String = Command
     If arguments = String.Empty Then
        Console.WriteLine("An empty string.")
        " handle command line argument(s)
        Console.WriteLine("Command line: {0}", arguments)
     End If
  End Sub

End Module</source>

An empty string.

Get the command line arguments using the Sub Main array

<source lang="vbnet">Module Module1

   Sub Main(ByVal cmdArgs() As String)
       Dim strArg As String
       If cmdArgs.Length > 0 Then
           For Each strArg In cmdArgs
               Select Case strArg.Substring(0, 3)
                   Case "/a1"
                       Console.WriteLine("Processing arg1: Value is {0}.", _
                           strArg.Substring(3, strArg.Length - 3))
                   Case "/a2"
                       Console.WriteLine("Processing arg1: Value is {0}.", _
                           strArg.Substring(3, strArg.Length - 3))
               End Select
           Next strArg
       End If
   End Sub

End Module</source>