VB.Net Tutorial/Data Type/String Functions

Материал из VB Эксперт
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CStr: Convert Double to String

<source lang="vbnet">Public Class Tester

   Public Shared Sub Main
   Dim x As Double
   x = 12345678901234567890D
   End Sub

End Class</source>


Duplicate a string

<source lang="vbnet">Public Class Tester

   Public Shared Sub Main
      Console.WriteLine(StrDup(30, "-"))
   End Sub

End Class</source>


Format: c

<source lang="vbnet">Public Class Tester

   Public Shared Sub Main
     Console.WriteLine( Format(123, "c") )
   End Sub

End Class</source>


Get string index by using InStr

<source lang="vbnet">Class Tester

    Shared Sub Main()
       Dim userInput As String
       userInput = "  asdf  "
       Console.WriteLine(InStr(userInput, "f"))
    End Sub

End Class</source>



<source lang="vbnet">Public Class Tester

   Public Shared Sub Main
   Dim MyString As String, YourString As String
   MyString = "asdf"
   YourString = "fdsa"    
       Console.WriteLine(InStr(2, MyString, YourString))
   End Sub

End Class</source>


Instr: find character in a string

<source lang="vbnet">Module Tester

   Public Sub Main()
       Dim sHello As String = "Hello World"
       Console.WriteLine("Original string: {0}", sHello)
       Console.WriteLine("Find character (Instr(1, sHello, "l")) : {0}", InStr(1, sHello, "l"))
   End Sub

End Module</source>

Original string: Hello World
Find character (Instr(1, sHello, "l")) : 3

Instr: find sub string a in a string

<source lang="vbnet">Module Tester

   Public Sub Main()
       Dim sHello As String = "Hello World"
       Console.WriteLine("Original string: {0}", sHello)
       Console.WriteLine("Find substring (Instr(1, sHello, "World")) : {0}", InStr(1, sHello, "Wor


   End Sub

End Module</source>

Original string: Hello World
Find substring (Instr(1, sHello, "World")) : 7


<source lang="vbnet">Public Module modMain

  Public Sub Main()
     Dim title As String = "Mr."
     Dim name As Object = DBNull.Value
     Dim addressLine1 As String = title & " " & name
     If IsDBNull(addressLine1) Then
        Console.WriteLine("Null value")
     End If
  End Sub

End Module</source>


IsNumeric, IsDate, IsNothing

<source lang="vbnet">Public Class Tester

   Public Shared Sub Main
       Dim theData As String = Nothing
       Dim result As New System.Text.StringBuilder
       " ----- Format nothing.
       result.AppendLine(String.Format( _
          "IsNumeric({0}) ... {1}", theData, IsNumeric(theData)))
       result.AppendLine(String.Format( _
          "IsDate({0}) ... {1}", theData, IsDate(theData)))
       result.AppendLine(String.Format( _
          "IsNothing({0}) ... {1}", theData, IsNothing(theData)))
       " ----- Format a number in a string.
       theData = "-12.345"
       result.AppendLine(String.Format( _
          "IsNumeric({0}) ... {1}", theData, IsNumeric(theData)))
       result.AppendLine(String.Format( _
          "IsDate({0}) ... {1}", theData, IsDate(theData)))
       result.AppendLine(String.Format( _
          "IsNothing({0}) ... {1}", theData, IsNothing(theData)))
       " ----- Format a date in a string.
       theData = "July 17, 2007"
       result.AppendLine(String.Format( _
          "IsNumeric({0}) ... {1}", theData, IsNumeric(theData)))
       result.AppendLine(String.Format( _
          "IsDate({0}) ... {1}", theData, IsDate(theData)))
       result.Append(String.Format( _
          "IsNothing({0}) ... {1}", theData, IsNothing(theData)))
   End Sub

End Class</source>

IsNumeric() ... False
IsDate() ... False
IsNothing() ... True
IsNumeric(-12.345) ... True
IsDate(-12.345) ... False
IsNothing(-12.345) ... False
IsNumeric(July 17, 2007) ... False
IsDate(July 17, 2007) ... True
IsNothing(July 17, 2007) ... False

LCase: change string to lower case

<source lang="vbnet">Module Tester

   Public Sub Main()
       Dim sHello As String = "Hello World"
       Console.WriteLine("Original string: {0}", sHello)
       Console.WriteLine("Lowercase (LCase(sHello)) : {0}", LCase(sHello))
   End Sub

End Module</source>

Original string: Hello World
Lowercase (LCase(sHello)) : hello world

Left: get characters from left

<source lang="vbnet">Module Tester

   Public Sub Main()
       Dim sHello As String = "Hello World"
       Console.WriteLine("Original string: {0}", sHello)
       Console.WriteLine("Leftmost two characters (Left(sHello, 2)): {0}", Left(sHello, 2))
   End Sub

End Module</source>

Original string: Hello World
Leftmost two characters (Left(sHello, 2)): He

Len: get string length

<source lang="vbnet">Public Class Tester

   Public Shared Sub Main
   End Sub

End Class</source>



<source lang="vbnet">public class Test

  public Shared Sub Main
       Dim strName As String = "Visual Basic Express"
       If Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(strName, 3) = "Vis" Then Console.WriteLine("True")
       If strName.StartsWith("Vis") Then Console.WriteLine("True")
  End Sub

End class</source>


Mid(string, 4, 5): get sub string from middle

<source lang="vbnet">Module Tester

   Public Sub Main()
       Dim sHello As String = "Hello World"
       Console.WriteLine("Original string: {0}", sHello)
       Console.WriteLine("From middle of string (Mid(sHello, 4, 5)): {0}", Mid(sHello, 4, 5))
   End Sub

End Module</source>

Original string: Hello World
From middle of string (Mid(sHello, 4, 5)): lo Wo

Mid(string, 7): get sub string from start

<source lang="vbnet">Module Tester

   Public Sub Main()
       Dim sHello As String = "Hello World"
       Console.WriteLine("Original string: {0}", sHello)
       Console.WriteLine("Starting with character (Mid(sHello, 7)): {0}", Mid(sHello, 7))
   End Sub

End Module</source>

Original string: Hello World
Starting with character (Mid(sHello, 7)): World

Passing formatted numeric values to Val

<source lang="vbnet">Option Strict On Public Module Tester

  Public Sub Main()
     " Passing formatted numeric values to Val
  End Sub

End Module</source>


Passing String values to Val

<source lang="vbnet">Option Strict On Public Module Tester

  Public Sub Main()
  End Sub

End Module</source>


Right: get characters from right

<source lang="vbnet">Module Tester

   Public Sub Main()
       Dim sHello As String = "Hello World"
       Console.WriteLine("Original string: {0}", sHello)
       Console.WriteLine("Rightmost four characters (Right(sHello, 4)): {0}", Right(sHello, 4))
   End Sub

End Module</source>

Original string: Hello World
Rightmost four characters (Right(sHello, 4)): orld


<source lang="vbnet">public class Test

  public Shared Sub Main
       Dim str1, str2 As String
       str1 = "some text"
       str2 = str1
       str2 = String.Copy(str1)
       Console.WriteLine(str1 & vbCrLf & str2)
  End Sub

End class</source>

some text
some text

String handling function: Len

<source lang="vbnet">Module Tester

   Public Sub Main()
       Dim sHello As String = "Hello World"
       Console.WriteLine("Original string: {0}", sHello)
       Console.WriteLine("Length of string (Len(sHello)): {0}", Len(sHello))
   End Sub

End Module</source>

Original string: Hello World
Length of string (Len(sHello)): 11

UCase: change string to upper case

<source lang="vbnet">Module Tester

   Public Sub Main()
       Dim sHello As String = "Hello World"
       Console.WriteLine("Original string: {0}", sHello)
       Console.WriteLine("Uppercase (UCase(sHello)) : {0}", UCase(sHello))
   End Sub

End Module</source>

Original string: Hello World
Uppercase (UCase(sHello)) : HELLO WORLD

Use String.Concat to concatenate two strings

<source lang="vbnet">public class Test

  public Shared Sub Main
       Dim aryStrings() As String = {"string1", "string2", "string3", "string4"}
       Dim strLongString As String
       strLongString = String.Concat(aryStrings)
  End Sub

End class</source>
