VB.Net Tutorial/Class Module/Function Parameters

Материал из VB Эксперт
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Argument Order

<source lang="vbnet">Imports System Public Module Test

   Public Function Add(ByVal Num1 As Integer, ByVal Num2 As Double) As Double
       Return Num1 + Num2
   End Function
   Public Function Add(ByVal Num2 As Double, ByVal Num1 As Integer) As Double
       Return Num1 - Num2
   End Function
   Sub Main()
       Dim Num3 As Double = Add(2, 4.2)
       Dim Num4 As Double = Add(4.2 , 2)
       Console.WriteLine("The first Add Method " & Num3)
       Console.WriteLine("The Second Add Method " & Num4)
   End Sub

End Module</source>

The first Add Method 6.2
The Second Add Method -2.2

Optional parameters

<source lang="vbnet">Module Module1

   Sub Main()
   End Sub
   Sub ShowMessage(Optional ByVal strText As String = "Hello there!")
   End Sub

End Module</source>

Hello there!