VB.Net Tutorial/Data Type/String

Материал из VB Эксперт
Перейти к: навигация, поиск

Catch Exception for String.Substring

<source lang="vbnet">public class Test

  public Shared Sub Main
       Dim strCaption As String
       strCaption = "Answer"
           Console.WriteLine(strCaption.Substring(10, 1))
       Catch ex As Exception
       End Try
  End Sub

End class</source>

startIndex cannot be larger than length of string.
Parameter name: startIndex

Change tab to space

<source lang="vbnet">Public Class Tester

   Public Shared Sub Main
       Dim tabs As String = "This~is~~a~tabbed~~~string".Replace("~"c, vbTab)
       Dim spaces As String = TabsToSpaces(tabs, 8)
       Dim periods As String = spaces.Replace(" "c, "."c)
   End Sub
   Public Shared Function TabsToSpaces(ByVal source As String, ByVal tabSize As Integer) As String
       Dim result As New System.Text.StringBuilder
       Dim counter As Integer
       For counter = 0 To source.Length - 1
           If (source.Chars(counter) = vbTab) Then
               Loop Until ((result.Length Mod tabSize) = 0)
           End If
       Next counter
       Return result.ToString()
   End Function

End Class</source>

This    is              a       tabbed                  string
This    is              a       tabbed                  string

Check a Credit card number

<source lang="vbnet">" Quote from "Visual Basic 2005 Cookbook Solutions for VB 2005 Programmers "by Tim Patrick (Author), John Craig (Author) "# Publisher: O"Reilly Media, Inc. (September 21, 2006) "# Language: English "# ISBN-10: 0596101775 "# ISBN-13: 978-0596101770

Public Class Tester

   Public Shared Sub Main


   End Sub
   Private Shared Function VerifyCreditCard(ByVal cardNumber As String) As Boolean
       " ----- Given a card number, make sure it is valid. This method
       "       uses the Luhn algorithm to verify the number. This routine
       "       assumes that cardNumber contains only digits.
       Dim counter As Integer
       Dim digitTotal As Integer
       Dim holdValue As Integer
       Dim checkDigit As Integer
       Dim calcDigit As Integer
       Dim useCard As String
       " ----- Perform some initial checks.
       useCard = Trim(cardNumber)
       If (IsNumeric(useCard) = False) Then Return False
       " ----- Separate out the last digit, the check digit. For cards with
       "       an odd number of digits, prepend with a zero.
       If ((Len(useCard) Mod 2) <> 0) Then useCard = "0" & useCard
       checkDigit = useCard.Substring(Len(useCard) - 1, 1)
       useCard = useCard.Substring(0, Len(useCard) - 1)
       " ----- Process each digit.
       digitTotal = 0
       For counter = 1 To Len(useCard)
           If ((counter Mod 2) = 1) Then
               " ----- This is an odd digit position. Double the number.
               holdValue = CInt(Mid(useCard, counter, 1)) * 2
               If (holdValue > 9) Then
                   " ----- Break the digits (e.g., 19 becomes 1+9).
                   digitTotal += (holdValue \ 10) + (holdValue - 10)
                   digitTotal += holdValue
               End If
               " ----- This is an even digit position. Simply add it.
               digitTotal += CInt(Mid(useCard, counter, 1))
           End If
       Next counter
       " ----- Calculate the 10"s complement of both values.
       calcDigit = 10 - (digitTotal Mod 10)
       If (calcDigit = 10) Then calcDigit = 0
       If (checkDigit = calcDigit) Then Return True Else Return False
   End Function

End Class</source>


Copy characters from string1 into character Array

<source lang="vbnet">Module Tester

  Sub Main()
     Dim string1 As String
     Dim characterArray As Char()
     Dim i As Integer
     Dim quotes As Char = ChrW(34)
     string1 = "hello there"
     characterArray = New Char(5) {}
     string1.CopyTo(0, characterArray, 0, 5)
     For i = 0 To characterArray.GetUpperBound(0)
  End Sub " Main

End Module</source>


Count Vowels

<source lang="vbnet">Imports System.IO public class Test

  public Shared Sub Main
       Console.WriteLine("VOWELS COUNTED: " & CountTheVowels("asdffdsaasdf"))
  End Sub
   Private Shared Function CountTheVowels(ByVal strSomeString As String) As Integer
       Dim intCount As Integer = 1
       Dim intTotal As Integer = 0
       Dim intPosition As Integer
       "Loop through the string and count the vowels.
       Do While intCount <= strSomeString.Length
           intPosition = InStr("aeio", strSomeString.Substring(intCount, 1).ToLower)
           If intPosition > 0 Then
               intTotal += 1
           End If
       Return intTotal
   End Function

End class</source>

Declare String Variable and assign value

<source lang="vbnet">Module Module1

   Sub Main()
       Dim EmployeeName As String
       Dim EmployeePhoneNumber As String
       Dim EmployeeSalary As Double
       Dim NumberOfEmployees As Integer
       EmployeeName = "James Bond"
       EmployeePhoneNumber = "555-1212"
       EmployeeSalary = 45.0
       NumberOfEmployees = 1
       Console.WriteLine("Number of employees: " & NumberOfEmployees)
       Console.WriteLine("Employee name: " & EmployeeName)
       Console.WriteLine("Employee phone number: " & EmployeePhoneNumber)
       Console.WriteLine("Employee salary: " & EmployeeSalary)
   End Sub

End Module</source>

Number of employees: 1
Employee name: James Bond
Employee phone number: 555-1212
Employee salary: 45

Demonstrating method GetHashCode of class String

<source lang="vbnet">Module Tester

  Sub Main()
     Dim string1 As String = "hello"
     Dim string2 As String = "Hello"
     Console.WriteLine(string1.GetHashCode() )
  End Sub " Main

End Module</source>


Demonstrating String class constructors

<source lang="vbnet">Module Tester

  Sub Main()
     Dim characterArray As Char()
     Dim quotes As Char = ChrW(34)
     Dim originalString, string1, string2, string3, string4 As String
     characterArray = New Char() {"A"c, "B"c, "C"c, "D"c, "E"c, "F"c, " "c, "G"c, "H"c}
     originalString = "test"
     string1 = originalString
     string2 = New String(characterArray)
     string3 = New String(characterArray, 6, 3)
     string4 = New String("C"c, 5)
     Console.WriteLine("string2 = " & string2 )
     Console.WriteLine("string3 = " & string3 )
     Console.WriteLine("string4 = " & string4 )
  End Sub " Main

End Module</source>

string2 = ABCDEF GH
string3 =  GH
string4 = CCCCC

Get string morse code

<source lang="vbnet">Public Class Tester

   Public Shared Sub Main
       Dim source As String = "Hello world!"
       Dim characters As String = _
       Dim morse() As String = { _
           "?", ".-", "-...", "-.-.", "-..", ".", "..-.", "--.", "....", _
           "..", ".---", "-.-", ".-..", "--", "-.", "---", ".--.", _
           "--.-", ".-.", "...", "-", "..-", "...-", ".--", "-..-", _
           "-.--", "--..", "-----", ".----", "..---", "...--", _
           "....-", ".....", "-....", "--...", "---..", "----.", _
           ".-.-.-", "--..--", "---...", "..--..", ".----.", _
           "-....-", "-..-.", ".-..-."}
       Dim counter As Integer
       Dim position As Integer
       For counter = 0 To source.Length - 1
           position = characters.IndexOf(Char.ToUpper( _
           If (position < 0) Then position = 0
           Console.Write (source.Substring(counter, 1) & "   ")
       Next counter
   End Sub

End Class</source>

H   ....
e   .
l   .-..
l   .-..
o   ---
w   .--
o   ---
r   .-.
l   .-..
d   -..
!   ?

Insert method returns the resulting string

<source lang="vbnet">public class Test

  public Shared Sub Main
              Dim s1 As New String("Greeting")
              s1.Insert(4, "sdss")      "DOES NOT CHANGE S1!!!!
              s1 = s1.Insert(8, "s")    "changes Greeting to Greetings
  End Sub

End class</source>


Insert sub string by index

<source lang="vbnet">Option Strict On

Imports System
Class Tester
    Public Shared Sub Main( )
        Dim s1 As String = "abcd"
        Dim s2 As String = "ABCD"
        Dim s3 As String = "AAAAs "
        s3 = s3 & "development"
        Dim s5 As String = String.Copy(s2) "
        Console.WriteLine("s5 copied from s2: {0}", s5)
        Console.WriteLine("String s3 is {0} characters long. ",s5.Length)
        Console.WriteLine("s3: {0}", s3)
        " hold the location of provides as an integer
        Dim location As Integer = s3.IndexOf("a")
        Dim s10 As String = s3.Insert(location, "u")
        Console.WriteLine("s10: {0}", s10)
    End Sub "Main
End Class "Tester</source>
s5 copied from s2: ABCD
String s3 is 4 characters long.
s3: AAAAs development
Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negativ
e and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: startIndex
   at System.String.Insert(Int32 startIndex, String value)
   at Tester.Main()

Join string

<source lang="vbnet">Imports System.Collections public class Test

  public Shared Sub Main
              Dim s() As String = {"one", "two", "three"}              "a string array
              Dim s2 As String
              s2 = s2.Join(", ", s)
  End Sub

End class</source>

one, two, three

Make a reference copy

<source lang="vbnet">Public Class Tester

   Public Shared Sub Main
       Dim arrayA() As String = {"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six"}
       Console.WriteLine(Join(arrayA, ","))
       Dim arrayB() As String = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "E", "F", "G", "H"}
       Console.WriteLine(Join(arrayB, ","))
       " ----- Make a reference copy.
       Dim arrayC() As String = arrayA
       Console.WriteLine(Join(arrayC, ","))
   End Sub

End Class</source>


Read String value from Keyboard

<source lang="vbnet">Module Module1

   Sub Main()
       Dim FirstName As String
       Console.Write("Name: ")
       FirstName = Console.ReadLine()
   End Sub

End Module</source>

Name: name

Reverse a string

<source lang="vbnet">public class Test

  public Shared Sub Main
       Dim objTS As TimeSpan
       Dim dteStart As Date
       Dim strText As String
       Dim strChar As String
       Dim intChar As Integer
       dteStart = Now()
       strText = "12345678"
       Dim intLen As Integer = Len(strText)
       For intChar = 1 To CInt(intLen / 2)
           strChar = Mid(strText, intChar, 1)
           Mid(strText, intChar, 1) = Mid(strText, intLen - intChar - 1, 1)
           Mid(strText, intLen - intChar - 1) = strChar
       objTS = Now().Subtract(dteStart)
  End Sub

End class</source>



<source lang="vbnet">Option Strict On Public Module modMain

  Public Sub Main()
  End Sub

End Module</source>

String Length property

<source lang="vbnet">Module Tester

  Sub Main()
     Dim string1 As String
     Dim characterArray As Char()
     Dim i As Integer
     Dim quotes As Char = ChrW(34)
     string1 = "hello there"
     characterArray = New Char(5) {}
     Console.WriteLine("Length of string1: " & string1.Length)
  End Sub " Main

End Module</source>

Length of string1: 11

String operation timing

<source lang="vbnet">Public Class Tester

   Public Shared Sub Main
       Dim content As String = ""
       Dim result As New System.Text.StringBuilder
       Dim counter As Integer
       Dim dateTime1 As Date
       Dim dateTime2 As Date
       Dim dateTime3 As Date
       Dim loopCount As Integer = 15000
       dateTime1 = Now
       For counter = 1 To loopCount
           content &= counter.ToString()
       Next counter
       dateTime2 = Now
       For counter = 1 To loopCount
       Next counter
       dateTime3 = Now
       content = String.Format( _
          "First loop took {0:G4} ms, the second took {1:G4} ms.", _
          dateTime2.Subtract(dateTime1).TotalMilliseconds, _
   End Sub

End Class</source>

First loop took 1734 ms, the second took 0 ms.


<source lang="vbnet">Option Strict On

Imports System
Class Tester
    Public Shared Sub Main( )
        Dim s1 As String = "One Two Three Four"
        Dim index As Integer
        index = s1.LastIndexOf(" ")
        Dim s2 As String = s1.Substring((index + 1))
        s1 = s1.Substring(0, index)
        index = s1.LastIndexOf(" ")
        Dim s3 As String = s1.Substring((index + 1))
        s1 = s1.Substring(0, index)
        index = s1.LastIndexOf(" ")
        Dim s4 As String = s1.Substring((index + 1))
        s1 = s1.Substring(0, index)
        index = s1.LastIndexOf(" ")
        Dim s5 As String = s1.Substring((index + 1))
        Console.WriteLine("s1: {0}", s1)
        Console.WriteLine("s2: {0}", s2)
        Console.WriteLine("s3: {0}", s3)
        Console.WriteLine("s4: {0}", s4)
        Console.WriteLine("s5: {0}", s5)
    End Sub "Main
End Class "Tester</source>
s1: One
s2: Four
s3: Three
s4: Two
s5: One


<source lang="vbnet">Public Class Tester

   Public Shared Sub Main
       Dim someInt As Integer = 123
       Dim someDouble As Double = Math.PI
       Dim someString As String = "Testing"
       Dim someDate As Date = #7/4/1776 9:10:11 AM#
       Dim someDecimal As Decimal = 1D / 3D
       Dim result As New System.Text.StringBuilder
       result.Append("someInt.ToString     ")
       result.Append("someDouble.ToString  ")
       result.Append("someString.ToString  ")
       result.Append("someDate.ToString    ")
       result.Append("someDecimal.ToString ")
   End Sub

End Class</source>

someInt.ToString     123
someDouble.ToString  3.14159265358979
someString.ToString  Testing
someDate.ToString    04/07/1776 9:10:11 AM
someDecimal.ToString 0.3333333333333333333333333333