VB.Net Tutorial/Class Module/Polymorphism — различия между версиями

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Текущая версия на 15:55, 26 мая 2010

Demonstrate polymorphism in Point-Circle-Cylinder hierarchy.

<source lang="vbnet">Class CTest2

  Shared Sub Main()
     Dim point As New Point(7, 11)
     Dim circle As New Circle(22, 8, 3.5)
     Dim cylinder As New Cylinder(10, 10, 3.3, 10)
     Dim arrayOfShapes As Shape() = New Shape(2) {}
     arrayOfShapes(0) = point
     arrayOfShapes(1) = circle
     arrayOfShapes(2) = cylinder
     Console.WriteLine(point.Name & ": " & _
        point.ToString() & vbCrLf & circle.Name & ": " & _
        circle.ToString() & vbCrLf & cylinder.Name & _
        ": " & cylinder.ToString())
     Dim shape As Shape
     For Each shape In arrayOfShapes
        Console.WriteLine(shape.Name & ": " & _
           shape.ToString() & vbCrLf & "Area = " & _
           String.Format("{0:F}", shape.Area) & vbCrLf & _
           "Volume = " & String.Format("{0:F}", shape.Volume))
  End Sub " Main

End Class Public MustInherit Class Shape

  Public Overridable Function Area() As Double
     Return 0
  End Function
  Public Overridable Function Volume() As Double
     Return 0
  End Function
  Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Name() As String

End Class

Public Class Point

  Inherits Shape 
  Private mX, mY As Integer
  Public Sub New()
  End Sub " New
  Public Sub New(ByVal xValue As Integer, _
     ByVal yValue As Integer)
  End Sub " New
  Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
     Return "[" & mX & ", " & mY & "]"
  End Function " ToString
  Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Name() As String
        Return "Point"
     End Get
  End Property " Name

End Class Public Class Circle

  Inherits Point 
  Private mRadius As Double
  Public Sub New()
  End Sub " New
  Public Sub New(ByVal xValue As Integer, _
     ByVal yValue As Integer, ByVal radiusValue As Double)
     MyBase.New(xValue, yValue)
  End Sub " New
  Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
     Return "Center= " & MyBase.ToString() & _
        "; Radius = " & mRadius
  End Function " ToString
  Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Name() As String
        Return "Circle"
     End Get
  End Property " Name

End Class Public Class Cylinder

  Inherits Circle
  Protected mHeight As Double
  Public Sub New()
  End Sub " New
  Public Sub New(ByVal xValue As Integer, _
     ByVal yValue As Integer, ByVal radiusValue As Double, _
     ByVal heightValue As Double)
     MyBase.New(xValue, yValue, radiusValue)
  End Sub " New
  Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Name() As String
        Return "Cylinder"
     End Get
  End Property " Name

End Class</source>

Point: [0, 0]
Circle: Center= [0, 0]; Radius = 0
Cylinder: Center= [0, 0]; Radius = 0
Point: [0, 0]
Area = 0.00
Volume = 0.00
Circle: Center= [0, 0]; Radius = 0
Area = 0.00
Volume = 0.00
Cylinder: Center= [0, 0]; Radius = 0
Area = 0.00
Volume = 0.00

Inheritance and polymorphism

<source lang="vbnet">Class Tester

  Shared Sub Main()
     Dim point1, point2 As Point
     Dim circle1, circle2 As Circle
     point1 = New Point(30, 50)
     circle1 = New Circle(120, 89, 2.7)
     Console.WriteLine("Point point1: " & point1.ToString() & _
        vbCrLf & "Circle circle1: " & circle1.ToString())
     point2 = circle1
     Console.WriteLine("Circle circle1 (via point2): " & point2.ToString())
     circle2 = CType(point2, Circle) " allowed only via cast
     Console.WriteLine("Circle circle1 (via circle2): " & circle2.ToString())
     If (TypeOf point1 Is Circle) Then
        circle2 = CType(point1, Circle)
        Console.WriteLine("cast successful")
        Console.WriteLine("point1 does not refer to a Circle")
     End If
  End Sub

End Class Public Class Point

  Private mX, mY As Integer
  Public Sub New()
  End Sub " New
  Public Sub New(ByVal xValue As Integer, _
     ByVal yValue As Integer)
  End Sub " New
  Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
     Return "[" & mX & ", " & mY & "]"
  End Function " ToString

End Class Public Class Circle

  Inherits Point 
  Private mRadius As Double
  Public Sub New()
  End Sub " New
  Public Sub New(ByVal xValue As Integer, _
     ByVal yValue As Integer, ByVal radiusValue As Double)
     MyBase.New(xValue, yValue)
  End Sub " New
  Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
     Return "Center= " & MyBase.ToString() & _
        "; Radius = " & mRadius
  End Function " ToString

End Class</source>

Point point1: [0, 0]
Circle circle1: Center= [0, 0]; Radius = 0
Circle circle1 (via point2): Center= [0, 0]; Radius = 0
Circle circle1 (via circle2): Center= [0, 0]; Radius = 0
point1 does not refer to a Circle

Late binding

<source lang="vbnet">Public Class Tester

   Public Shared Sub Main
       Dim objHorse As Object
       Dim objPuma As Object
       objHorse = New Horse
       objPuma = New Puma
           Console.WriteLine("Sorry, no Walk method available in objHorse.")
       End Try
           Console.WriteLine("Sorry, no Walk method available in objPuma.")
       End Try
   End Sub

End Class Public Class Horse

   Public Sub Walk()
   End Sub

End Class Public Class Puma

   Public Sub Run()
   End Sub

End Class</source>

Sorry, no Walk method available in objPuma.

Polymorphic Behaviour

<source lang="vbnet">Class ID

   Public Number As String
   Public Sub New(ByVal Number As String)
       Me.Number = Number
   End Sub
   Public Overridable Sub Dial()
       Console.WriteLine("Dialing: " & Number)
   End Sub

End Class Class Phone

   Inherits ID
   Public Sub New(ByVal Number As String)
   End Sub
   Public Overrides Sub Dial()
       Console.WriteLine("Beep, touch-tone phone calling: " & Number)
   End Sub

End Class Class CreditCardID

   Inherits ID
   Public Sub New(ByVal Number As String)
   End Sub
   Public Overrides Sub Dial()
       Console.WriteLine("Rotary dialing: " & Number)
   End Sub

End Class

Module Module1

   Sub Main()
       Dim card As New CreditCardID("555-1212")
       Dim phone As New Phone("800-555-1212")
       Dim PolyID As ID
       Console.WriteLine("Using standard objects")
       Console.WriteLine("Using polymorphic phone")
       PolyID = card
       PolyID = phone
   End Sub

End Module</source>

Using standard objects
Rotary dialing: 555-1212
Beep, touch-tone phone calling: 800-555-1212
Using polymorphic phone
Rotary dialing: 555-1212
Beep, touch-tone phone calling: 800-555-1212