VB.Net/Generics/Generic Delegate

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Generic delegate can point to any method taking a single argument (specified at the time of creation)

<source lang="vbnet"> Option Explicit On Option Strict On Public Delegate Sub MyGenericDelegate(Of T)(ByVal arg As T) Public Delegate Sub MyDelegate(ByVal arg As Object) Module Program

 Sub Main()
   Dim d As New MyGenericDelegate(Of Integer)(AddressOf IntegerTarget)
   Dim d2 As New MyGenericDelegate(Of String)(AddressOf StringTarget)
 End Sub
 Public Sub IntegerTarget(ByVal arg As Integer)
   Console.WriteLine("You passed me a {0} with the value of {1}", arg.GetType().Name, arg)
 End Sub
 Public Sub StringTarget(ByVal arg As String)
   Console.WriteLine("You passed me a {0} with the value of {1}", arg.GetType().Name, arg)
 End Sub

End Module
