VB.Net/Class/Class Define — различия между версиями

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Текущая версия на 15:42, 26 мая 2010

Class Composition

<source lang="vbnet"> Imports System Public Class MainClass

   Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
     Dim s As New CStudent( _
        "A", "B", 7, 24, 1949, 3, 12, 1988)
     Console.WriteLine(s.ToStandardString() )
   End Sub

End Class " Encapsulates month, day and year. Class CDay

  Inherits Object
  Private mMonth As Integer " 1-12
  Private mDay As Integer " 1-31 based on month
  Private mYear As Integer " any year
  Public Sub New(ByVal monthValue As Integer, _
     ByVal dayValue As Integer, ByVal yearValue As Integer)
     mMonth = monthValue
     mYear = yearValue
     mDay = dayValue
  End Sub " New
  " create string containing month/day/year format
  Public Function ToStandardString() As String
     Return mMonth & "/" & mDay & "/" & mYear
  End Function

End Class

" Represent student name, birthday and hire date. Class CStudent

  Inherits Object
  Private mFirstName As String
  Private mLastName As String
  Private mBirthDate As CDay " member object reference
  Private mHireDate As CDay " member object reference
  " CStudent constructor
  Public Sub New(ByVal firstNameValue As String, _
     ByVal lastNameValue As String, _
     ByVal birthMonthValue As Integer, _
     ByVal birthDayValue As Integer, _
     ByVal birthYearValue As Integer, _
     ByVal hireMonthValue As Integer, _
     ByVal hireDayValue As Integer, _
     ByVal hireYearValue As Integer)
     mFirstName = firstNameValue
     mLastName = lastNameValue
     " create CDay instance for employee birthday
     mBirthDate = New CDay(birthMonthValue, birthDayValue, _
     " create CDay instance for employee hire date
     mHireDate = New CDay(hireMonthValue, hireDayValue, _
  End Sub " New
  " return employee information as standard-format String
  Public Function ToStandardString() As String
     Return mLastName & ", " & mFirstName & " Hired: " _
        & mHireDate.ToStandardString() & " Birthday: " & _
  End Function " ToStandardString

End Class " CStudent


Define and use your own Time Class

<source lang="vbnet"> Imports System Public Class MainClass

   Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
     Dim time As New CTime() " call CTime constructor
     Console.WriteLine( "The initial universal times is: " & _
        time.ToUniversalString() & vbCrLf & _
        "The initial standard time is: " & _
        time.ToStandardString() )
     time.SetTime(13, 27, 6) " set time with valid settings
     Console.WriteLine( "Universal time after setTime is: " & _
        time.ToUniversalString() & vbCrLf & _
        "Standard time after setTime is: " & _
        time.ToStandardString() )
     time.SetTime(99, 99, 99) " set time with invalid settings
     Console.WriteLine( "After attempting invalid settings: " & vbCrLf & _
        "Universal time: " & time.ToUniversalString() & _
        vbCrLf & "Standard time: " & time.ToStandardString() )
   End Sub

End Class

Class CTime

  Inherits Object
  Private mHour As Integer " 0 - 23
  Private mMinute As Integer " 0 - 59
  Private mSecond As Integer " 0 - 59
  Public Sub New()
     SetTime(0, 0, 0)
  End Sub " New
  Public Sub SetTime(ByVal hourValue As Integer, _
     ByVal minuteValue As Integer, ByVal secondValue As Integer)
     If (hourValue >= 0 AndAlso hourValue < 24) Then
        mHour = hourValue
        mHour = 0
     End If
     If (minuteValue >= 0 AndAlso minuteValue < 60) Then
        mMinute = minuteValue
        mMinute = 0
     End If
     If (secondValue >= 0 AndAlso secondValue < 60) Then
        mSecond = secondValue
        mSecond = 0
     End If
  End Sub " SetTime
  " convert String to universal-time format
  Public Function ToUniversalString() As String
     Return String.Format("{0}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}", _
        mHour, mMinute, mSecond)
  End Function " ToUniversalString
  " convert to String in standard-time format
  Public Function ToStandardString() As String
     Dim suffix As String = " PM"
     Dim format As String = "{0}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}"
     Dim standardHour As Integer
     " determine whether time is AM or PM
     If mHour < 12 Then
        suffix = " AM"
     End If
     " convert from universal-time format to standard-time format
     If (mHour = 12 OrElse mHour = 0) Then
        standardHour = 12
        standardHour = mHour Mod 12
     End If
     Return String.Format(format, standardHour, mMinute, _
        mSecond) & suffix
  End Function " ToStandardString

End Class " CTime


Nested Class Demo

<source lang="vbnet"> Imports System Public Class MainClass

   Shared Sub Main()
        Dim f1 As New Fraction(3, 4)
        Console.WriteLine("f1: {0}", f1.ToString(  ))
        Dim fa As New Fraction.FractionArtist(  )
   End Sub

End Class

Public Class Fraction
    Private numerator As Integer
    Private denominator As Integer
    Public Sub New( _
      ByVal numerator As Integer, ByVal denominator As Integer)
        Me.numerator = numerator
        Me.denominator = denominator
    End Sub "New
    Public Overrides Function ToString(  ) As String
        Return [String].Format("{0}/{1}", numerator, denominator)
    End Function "ToString
    " Nested Class
    Class FractionArtist
        Public Sub Draw(ByVal f As Fraction)
            Console.WriteLine("Drawing the numerator: {0}", f.numerator)
            Console.WriteLine( _
                "Drawing the denominator: {0}", f.denominator)
        End Sub "Draw
    End Class "FractionArtist
End Class "Fraction


Your Complex Number Class

<source lang="vbnet"> There is a minor bug though. The unary minus operator is incorrect.

   Public Shared Operator -(ByVal c1 As Complex) As Complex
       Return New Complex(c1.imaginaryPart, c1.realPart)
   End Operator

This should be replaced with

   Public Shared Operator -(ByVal c1 As Complex) As Complex
       Return New Complex(-c1.realPart, -c1.imaginaryPart)
   End Operator

and perhaps an additional function like

   Public function Conjungate() As Complex
       Return New Complex(realPart, -imaginaryPart)
   End Function

And you might consider adding a .Length function equal to the current narrowing. (And mathematically preferable replacing it, since converting complex->real isn"t well-defined) Best regards Eske Rahn rahn at sol.dk

Imports System Public Class MainClass

   Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
       Dim X, Y As Complex
       X = New Complex(1, 2)
       Y = New Complex(3, 4)
       Console.WriteLine( (X + Y).ToString )
       Console.WriteLine( (X - Y).ToString )
       Console.WriteLine( (X * Y).ToString )
       Console.WriteLine( (X = Y).ToString )
       Console.WriteLine( (X <> Y).ToString )
       Console.WriteLine( (-X).ToString )
       Dim abs_x As Double = CDbl(X)
       Console.WriteLine(  abs_x.ToString )
   End Sub

End Class Public Class Complex

   Public realPart As Double
   Public imaginaryPart As Double
   " Constructors.
   Public Sub New()
   End Sub
   Public Sub New(ByVal real_part As Double, ByVal imaginary_part As Double)
       realPart = real_part
       imaginaryPart = imaginary_part
   End Sub
   " ToString.
   Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
       Return realPart.ToString & " + " & imaginaryPart.ToString & "i"
   End Function
   " Operators.
   Public Shared Operator *(ByVal c1 As Complex, ByVal c2 As Complex) As Complex
       Return New Complex( _
           c1.realPart * c2.realPart - c1.imaginaryPart * c2.imaginaryPart, _
           c1.realPart * c2.imaginaryPart + c1.imaginaryPart * c2.realPart)
   End Operator
   Public Shared Operator +(ByVal c1 As Complex, ByVal c2 As Complex) As Complex
       Return New Complex( _
           c1.realPart + c2.realPart, _
           c1.imaginaryPart + c2.imaginaryPart)
   End Operator
   Public Shared Operator -(ByVal c1 As Complex, ByVal c2 As Complex) As Complex
       Return New Complex( _
           c1.realPart - c2.realPart, _
           c1.imaginaryPart - c2.imaginaryPart)
   End Operator
   Public Shared Operator =(ByVal c1 As Complex, ByVal c2 As Complex) As Boolean
       Return (c1.realPart = c2.realPart) AndAlso (c1.imaginaryPart = c2.imaginaryPart)
   End Operator
   Public Shared Operator <>(ByVal c1 As Complex, ByVal c2 As Complex) As Boolean
       Return (c1.realPart <> c2.realPart) OrElse (c1.imaginaryPart <> c2.imaginaryPart)
   End Operator
   Public Shared Operator -(ByVal c1 As Complex) As Complex
       Return New Complex(c1.imaginaryPart, c1.realPart)
   End Operator
   Public Shared Narrowing Operator CType(ByVal c1 As Complex) As Double
       Return System.Math.Sqrt(c1.realPart * c1.realPart + c1.imaginaryPart * c1.imaginaryPart)
   End Operator

End Class
