VB.Net Tutorial/Language Basics/Introduction

Материал из VB Эксперт
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How to compile and run the code in this tutorial

Go to: Start->Programs->Visual Studio.NET->Visual Studio.NET Tools-> Visual Studio.NET Command Prompt, and type:

c:\examples>vbc example1.vb.

1.1.Introduction 1.1.1. How to compile and run the code in this tutorial 1.1.2. <A href="/Tutorial/VB/0020__Language-Basics/SimpleVisualBasicprogram.htm">Simple Visual Basic program.</a> 1.1.3. <A href="/Tutorial/VB/0020__Language-Basics/Writinglineoftextwithmultiplestatements.htm">Writing line of text with multiple statements.</a>

Simple Visual Basic program.

Module Tester
   Sub Main()
      Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Visual Basic!")
   End Sub " Main
End Module
Welcome to Visual Basic!

Writing line of text with multiple statements.

Module Tester
   Sub Main()
      Console.Write("Welcome to ")
      Console.WriteLine("Visual Basic!")
   End Sub " Main
End Module
Welcome to Visual Basic!