VB.Net by API/System.Collections.Generic/Dictionary

Материал из VB Эксперт
Версия от 15:50, 26 мая 2010; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия)
(разн.) ← Предыдущая | Текущая версия (разн.) | Следующая → (разн.)
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<source lang="vbnet">

Option Strict On Imports System.Collections.Generic Public Module modMain

  Private employees As Dictionary(Of String, Employee)
  Public Sub Main()
     employees = New Dictionary(Of String, Employee)
     employees.Add("name",New Employee("name", "1"))
     employees.Add("name1",New Employee("name1", "1"))
     Console.WriteLine("There are {0} employees now on file. They are:",employees.Count)
     For Each pair As KeyValuePair(Of String, Employee) In Employees
        Console.WriteLine(" {0}: {1}", pair.Key, pair.Value.Name)
  End Sub

End Module Public Class Employee

  Private empName As String
  Private empID As String
  Public Sub New(name As String, ID As String)
     Me.empName = name
     Me.empID = ID
  End Sub
  Public Property Name() As String
        Return Me.empName
     End Get
        Me.empName = Value
     End Set
  End Property
  Public Property ID As String
        return Me.empID
     End Get
        Me.empID = Value
     End Set
  End Property

End Class



<source lang="vbnet"> Imports System.Collections.Generic Public Class GenericTest

  Public Shared Sub Main()
     Dim education As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
     education.Add("BA", "Bachelor of Arts")
     education.Add("BS", "Bachelor of Science")
     education.Add("MA", "Master of Arts")
     education.Add("MS", "Master of Science")
     education.Add("MPhil", "Master of Philosophy")
     education.Add("PhD", "Doctor of Philosophy")
     For Each pair As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In education
  End Sub

End Class


New Dictionary

<source lang="vbnet"> Imports System.Collections.Generic Public Structure Employee

  Dim Name As String
  Dim HireDate As Date
  Dim BirthDate As Date

End Structure Public Module Test

  Public Sub Main()
     Dim employees As New Dictionary(of String, Employee)
     Dim dateToFind As Date
     Dim input As String
     Dim emp As New Employee
     emp.Name = "S"
     emp.HireDate = #1/2/2003#
     emp.BirthDate = #7/12/1977#
     employees.Add(emp.Name, emp)
     emp.Name = "A"
     emp.HireDate = #8/18/1999#
     emp.BirthDate = #3/16/1964#
     employees.Add(emp.Name, emp)
     emp.Name = "B"
     emp.HireDate = #3/1/1987#
     emp.BirthDate = #11/12/1955#
     employees.Add(emp.Name, emp)
     dateToFind = CDate("7/12/1977")
     For Each employee As KeyValuePair(of String, Employee) In employees
        If Month(employee.Value.BirthDate) = Month(dateToFind) AndAlso Day(employee.Value.BirthDate) = Day(dateToFind) Then
           Console.WriteLine("{0:MMMM d} is the bithday of {1}.", dateToFind, employee.Key)
        End If
        If Month(employee.Value.HireDate) = Month(dateToFind) AndAlso Day(employee.Value.HireDate) = Day(dateToFind) Then
           Console.WriteLine("{0:MMMM d} is the hiring anniversary of {1}.", dateToFind, employee.Key)
        End If
  End Sub

End Module
