VB.Net by API/System/String — различия между версиями
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Текущая версия на 12:51, 26 мая 2010
- 1 String.Compare
- 2 String.Concat
- 3 String.Copy
- 4 String.Empty
- 5 String.Equals
- 6 String.Format
- 7 String.GetEnumerator
- 8 String.GetHashCode()
- 9 String.IndexOfAny(String sub)
- 10 String.IndexOfAny(String sub, Int count)
- 11 String.IndexOf(String substring)
- 12 String.Insert
- 13 String.IsNullOrEmpty
- 14 String.LastIndexOf
- 15 String.PadLeft(Int length)
- 16 String.PadLeft(Int length, String char)
- 17 String.Replace
- 18 String.Split
- 19 String.StartsWith
- 20 String.Substring(Int begin)
- 21 String.Substring(Int begin, Int end)
- 22 String.ToCharArray()
- 23 String.ToLower()
- 24 String.ToUpper()
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim s1 As String = "abcd"
Dim s2 As String = "ABCD"
Dim result As Integer
result = String.rupare(s1, s2)
Console.WriteLine( _
"compare s1: {0}, s2: {1}, result: {2}" _
& Environment.NewLine, s1, s2, result)
result = String.rupare(s1, s2, True)
Console.WriteLine("Compare insensitive. result: {0}" _
& Environment.NewLine, result)
End Sub
End Class
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim s1 As String = "abcd"
Dim s2 As String = "ABCD"
" concatenation method
Dim s3 As String = String.Concat(s1, s2)
Console.WriteLine("s3 concatenated from s1 and s2: {0}", s3)
" use the overloaded operator
Dim s4 As String = s1 & s2
Console.WriteLine("s4 concatenated from s1 & s2: {0}", s4)
End Sub
End Class
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim s1 As String = "abcd"
Dim s2 As String = "ABCD"
Dim s3 As String = "Liberty Associates, Inc. provides "
s3 = s3 & "custom .NET development"
Dim s5 As String = String.Copy(s2)
Console.WriteLine("s5 copied from s2: {0}", s5)
Dim location As Integer = s3.IndexOf("provides")
Dim s10 As String = s3.Insert(location, "usually ")
Console.WriteLine("s10: {0}", s10)
End Sub
End Class
Option Strict On
Public Module CommandTest
Public Sub Main()
Dim arguments As String = Command
If arguments = String.Empty Then
Console.WriteLine("An empty string.")
" handle command line argument(s)
Console.WriteLine("Command line: {0}", arguments)
End If
End Sub
End Module
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim s1 As String = "abcd"
Dim s2 As String = "ABCD"
" the String copy method
Dim s5 As String = String.Copy(s2)
Console.WriteLine("s5 copied from s2: {0}", s5)
" copy with the overloaded operator
Dim s6 As String = s5
Console.WriteLine("s6 = s5: {0}", s6)
" member method
Console.WriteLine("Does s6.Equals(s5)?: {0}", s6.Equals(s5))
" shared method
Console.WriteLine("Does Equals(s6,s5)?: {0}", _
String.Equals(s6, s5))
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Tester
Public Shared Sub Main
Console.WriteLine(String.Format( _
"There are about {0} days in {1} years.", _
365.25 * 3, 3, 17))
End Sub
End Class
public class Test
public Shared Sub Main
Dim S As String = "Welcome to VB"
Dim Enumerator As CharEnumerator = S.GetEnumerator
While (Enumerator.MoveNext())
End While
End Sub
End class
public class Test
public Shared Sub Main
Dim Number As String
Number = "4"
End Sub
End class
String.IndexOfAny(String sub)
Imports System
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim letters As String = "abcdefghijklmabcdefghijklm"
Dim searchLetters As Char() = New Char() {"c"c, "a"c, "$"c}
Console.WriteLine("IndexOfAny to find first occurrence of character in array")
Console.WriteLine("First occurrence of ""c""," & _
" ""a"" or ""$"" is located at " & _
Console.WriteLine("First occurrence of ""c"", ""a"" or " & _
"""$"" is located at " & _
letters.IndexOfAny(searchLetters, 7))
Console.WriteLine("First occurrence of ""c"", ""a"" or " & _
"""$"" is located at " & _
letters.IndexOfAny(searchLetters, 20, 5))
End Sub " Main
End Class
String.IndexOfAny(String sub, Int count)
Imports System
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim letters As String = "abcdefghijklmabcdefghijklm"
Dim searchLetters As Char() = New Char() {"c"c, "a"c, "$"c}
Console.WriteLine("IndexOfAny to find first occurrence of character in array")
Console.WriteLine("First occurrence of ""c""," & _
" ""a"" or ""$"" is located at " & _
Console.WriteLine("First occurrence of ""c"", ""a"" or " & _
"""$"" is located at " & _
letters.IndexOfAny(searchLetters, 7))
Console.WriteLine("First occurrence of ""c"", ""a"" or " & _
"""$"" is located at " & _
letters.IndexOfAny(searchLetters, 20, 5))
End Sub " Main
End Class
String.IndexOf(String substring)
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim s1 As String = "abcd"
Dim s2 As String = "ABCD"
Dim s3 As String = "Liberty Associates, Inc. provides "
s3 = s3 & "custom .NET development"
Dim s5 As String = String.Copy(s2)
Console.WriteLine("s5 copied from s2: {0}", s5)
Dim location As Integer = s3.IndexOf("provides")
Dim s10 As String = s3.Insert(location, "usually ")
Console.WriteLine("s10: {0}", s10)
End Sub
End Class
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim s1 As String = "abcd"
Dim s2 As String = "ABCD"
Dim s3 As String = "Liberty Associates, Inc. provides "
s3 = s3 & "custom .NET development"
Dim s5 As String = String.Copy(s2)
Console.WriteLine("s5 copied from s2: {0}", s5)
Dim location As Integer = s3.IndexOf("provides")
Dim s10 As String = s3.Insert(location, "usually ")
Console.WriteLine("s10: {0}", s10)
End Sub
End Class
Option Strict On
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Imports System.IO
Public Module FileSystem
Public Sub Main()
Dim dirPath As String = "c:\\"
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(dirPath) Then Exit Sub
If Not Directory.Exists(dirPath) Then Exit Sub
Dim dirs As ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) = My.ruputer.FileSystem.GetDirectories(dirPath)
For Each dir As String In dirs
Dim dirInfo As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(dir)
Console.WriteLine("{0} : Created {1}", dirinfo.Name,dirInfo.CreationTime)
End Sub
End Module
Imports System
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim letters As String = "abcdefghijklmabcdefghijklm"
Dim searchLetters As Char() = New Char() {"c"c, "a"c, "$"c}
Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf to find a character in a string")
Console.WriteLine("Last ""c"" is located at " & _
"index " & letters.LastIndexOf("c"c))
Console.WriteLine("Last ""a"" is located at index " & _
letters.LastIndexOf("a"c, 25))
Console.WriteLine("Last ""$"" is located at index " & _
letters.LastIndexOf("$"c, 15, 5))
End Sub " Main
End Class
String.PadLeft(Int length)
Public Class MainClass
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim strConstant As String = "ABC"
Dim strRepeat As New String("A"c, 20)
Dim strMyString As String = "Hello World"
Console.WriteLine(strMyString.PadLeft(20, "."c))
End Sub
End Class
String.PadLeft(Int length, String char)
Public Class MainClass
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim strConstant As String = "ABC"
Dim strRepeat As New String("A"c, 20)
Dim strMyString As String = "Hello World"
Console.WriteLine(strMyString.PadLeft(20, "."c))
End Sub
End Class
Imports System
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
"Declare variables
Dim strData As String
Dim strNewData As String
"Get the text from the TextBox
strData = "Hello You"
"Replace the string occurance
strNewData = strData.Replace("Hello", "Goodbye")
"Display the new string
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Tester
Public Shared Sub Main
Dim quote As String = "The important thing is not to " & _
"stop questioning. --Albert Einstein"
Dim strArray1() As String = Split(quote, "ing")
Dim strArray2() As String = quote.Split(CChar("ing"))
Dim counter As Integer
For counter = 0 To strArray1.Length - 1
Next counter
For counter = 0 To strArray2.Length - 1
Next counter
End Sub
End Class
Imports System
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim strings As String()
Dim i As Integer
Dim quotes As Char = ChrW(34)
strings = New String() {"started", "starting", _
"ended", "ending"}
Console.WriteLine(" test every string to see if it starts with "st"")
For i = 0 To strings.GetUpperBound(0)
If strings(i).StartsWith("st") Then
Console.WriteLine(quotes & strings(i) & quotes & _
" starts with " & quotes & "st" & quotes )
End If
Console.WriteLine(" test every string to see if it ends with "ed"")
For i = 0 To strings.GetUpperBound(0)
If strings(i).EndsWith("ed") Then
Console.WriteLine( quotes & strings(i) & quotes & _
" ends with " & quotes & "ed" & quotes )
End If
End Sub " Main
End Class
String.Substring(Int begin)
Public Class MainClass
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim strConstant As String = "ABC"
Dim strRepeat As New String("A"c, 20)
Dim strMyString As String = "Hello World"
Console.WriteLine(strMyString.Substring(0, 5))
End Sub
End Class
String.Substring(Int begin, Int end)
Public Class MainClass
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim strConstant As String = "ABC"
Dim strRepeat As New String("A"c, 20)
Dim strMyString As String = "Hello World"
Console.WriteLine(strMyString.Substring(0, 5))
End Sub
End Class
Imports System
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim string1 As String = "hello"
Dim string2 As String = "GOOD BYE "
Dim string3 As String = " spaces "
Dim i As Integer
Dim charArray() As Char = string1.ToCharArray()
Console.WriteLine("string1 = " & string1 & vbCrLf & "string2 = " & _
string2 & vbCrLf & "string3 = " & string3)
For i = 0 To charArray.Length - 1
End Sub " Main
End Class
Public Class Tester
Public Shared Sub Main
Dim quote As String = "AbCdEfG"
Dim result As New System.Text.StringBuilder
result.AppendLine("Original: " & quote)
result.AppendLine("Upper Case: " & quote.ToUpper())
result.AppendLine("Lower Case: " & quote.ToLower())
result.AppendLine("Mixed Case: " & MixedCase(quote))
End Sub
Public Shared Function MixedCase(ByVal origText As String) As String
Dim counter As Integer
Dim textParts() As String = Split(origText, " ")
For counter = 0 To textParts.Length - 1
If (textParts(counter).Length > 0) Then _
textParts(counter) = _
UCase(Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left( _
textParts(counter), 1)) & _
LCase(Mid(textParts(counter), 2))
Next counter
Return Join(textParts, " ")
End Function
End Class
Public Class Tester
Public Shared Sub Main
Dim quote As String = "AbCdEfG"
Dim result As New System.Text.StringBuilder
result.AppendLine("Original: " & quote)
result.AppendLine("Upper Case: " & quote.ToUpper())
result.AppendLine("Lower Case: " & quote.ToLower())
result.AppendLine("Mixed Case: " & MixedCase(quote))
End Sub
Public Shared Function MixedCase(ByVal origText As String) As String
Dim counter As Integer
Dim textParts() As String = Split(origText, " ")
For counter = 0 To textParts.Length - 1
If (textParts(counter).Length > 0) Then _
textParts(counter) = _
UCase(Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left( _
textParts(counter), 1)) & _
LCase(Mid(textParts(counter), 2))
Next counter
Return Join(textParts, " ")
End Function
End Class