VBA/Excel/Access/Word/Data Type Functions/IsNull

Материал из VB Эксперт
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If...Then...Else and IsNull

   <source lang="vb">

Sub cmdIfThenElse()

Dim txtName As String
Dim txtAge As String

If IsNull(txtName) Or IsNull(txtAge) Then
   msgBox "Name or Age is Blank"
   msgBox "Your Name Is " & txtName & " And Your Age Is " & txtAge
 End If

End Sub


Loop through all of the records in the recordset for non-null value

   <source lang="vb">

Sub LoopProjects()

   Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
   Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
   rst.Open "Employees", CurrentProject.Connection
   Do Until rst.EOF
       Debug.Print rst!Title, rst!City
       If IsNull(rst!Region) Then
           Debug.Print "No Value!!"
       End If

End Sub


Working with Null

   <source lang="vb">

Sub NullVar()

   Dim vntName As Variant
   Debug.Print IsEmpty(vntName) "Prints True
   Debug.Print IsNull(vntName) "Prints False
   vntName = Null
   Debug.Print IsNull(vntName) "Prints True

End Sub
